When do you get paid on upwork?

Payment Process on Upwork

As a freelancer on Upwork, getting paid depends on the type of contract you have with your client(s).

Hourly Contracts

  • When working on an hourly contract, you get paid approximately once a week for the hours logged and approved by your client during the week-long work diary.
  • The work week on Upwork runs from Monday to Sunday. After the week ends, your client gets a review period, which lasts until the following Friday.
  • If there are no issues with your work, then the payment for the hours you worked gets issued to you according to the Upwork billing cycle, typically the following week.

Fixed-Price Contracts

  • For fixed-price contracts, payment depends on the project milestones set by you and your client.
  • When you complete a milestone to your client’s satisfaction, they release the funds held in escrow for that milestone.
  • These funds become available for withdrawal after a five-day security period.

Timing of Withdrawal Requests

Regardless of the type of contract, the timing of your actual payment depends on when you request a withdrawal and the payment method you choose. Processing times vary by method.

Keep in mind, building a reputation on the platform through quality work is key to securing regular payments from clients.

I hope this information clarifies your query. Please do not hesitate to reach out for further questions or clarification.

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