What percent does upwork take?

Upwork Service Fee Structure

Upwork’s fee structure can initially seem a bit confusing, but once you break it down, it’s actually pretty simple.

Upwork’s Sliding Service Fee

Upwork uses a sliding fee structure based on your lifetime billings with each client. This is designed to reward long-term relationships.

Fees for Lifetime Billings

  • 20% for the first $500 billed with the client
  • 10% for lifetime billings with the client between $500.01 and $10,000
  • 5% for lifetime billings with the client that exceed $10,000

Note: The service fee is calculated on the total amount billed to the client (including any bonuses given by your client).


Understanding Upwork’s fee structure is essential to effectively price your services and plan your income. Keep in mind also that Upwork charges a small payment processing fee on top of the service fee.

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