What is upwork service fee?

Upwork Service Fee Explained

Upwork service fee is a percentage that Upwork charges freelancers for each transaction they perform on the platform with their clients.

How Does It Work?

Upwork uses a sliding scale for its service fees. This means the more business you conduct with a particular client over time, the less you pay. Specifically, the service fee works in the following way:

  • 20% for the first $500 you bill your client across all contracts.
  • 10% for total billings with your client between $500.01 and $10,000.
  • 5% for total billings with your client that exceed $10,000.

Why Does Upwork Have This Fee?

The service fee is essentially how Upwork stays up and running. It covers the cost of providing services like payment protection, customer support, and the platform itself.

Remember, the goal is to build successful and long-term relationships with clients. As your relationship with a client progresses, so does the value you get from the Upwork platform. This is why the more you work with a client, the less fee you pay.

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