What does upwork charge?

Upwork Fees for Freelancers

It’s important for freelancers to understand how much Upwork charges its users. Here’s a quick breakdown:

1. Service Fee

Upwork applies a service fee to every payment you receive. This is a progressive fee based on your lifetime billing with each client across all contracts. It works as follows:

  • For the first $500 billed with the client, the fee is 20%.
  • For lifetime billings with the client between $500.01 and $10,000, the fee is 10%.
  • For lifetime billings with the client that exceed $10,000, the fee is 5%.

2. Connects

In addition to the service fee, you may also need to pay for connects, which are required to submit proposals on Upwork. Freelancers each receive 10 free Connects to get started, but, then must purchase additional Connects beyond those. The cost can range from $0.15 to $0.90 per Connect.

Additional Fees

Some additional fees, such as currency conversion or withdrawal fees, may also be applied based on your chosen payment method.

Please note that it’s always important to carefully review the details of any contract and be sure you fully understand any potential fees before beginning work.

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