How to submit hourly work on upwork?

How to Submit Hourly Work on Upwork

Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Download the Upwork Desktop App

Use the Upwork Desktop App, which is designed specifically to track time for hourly contracts. The app takes periodic screenshots while you’re working, allowing clients to see how you’re utilizing your time.

Step 2: Select the Right Contract

In the app, select the relevant contract from the drop-down menu on the top of the app’s screen. Make sure it’s an hourly contract, not a fixed-price one.

Step 3: Add Work Diary

Give a brief summary of the task you’re about to perform in the Work Diary. It’s essential to keep your client informed about what you’re working on during each time chunk.

Step 4: Start the Timer

Click on the Start button to begin tracking time. The app will take screenshots every 10 minutes, which are sent to your client, along with the total time you’ve spent working.

Step 5: Stop the Timer

Once you’re done with your tasks, don’t forget to stop the timer. Remember that time not tracked with the Upwork Desktop App isn’t covered by Upwork’s Payment Protection.

Additional Tips

  • Remember to keep track of how much time you’re logging. Don’t exceed the weekly limit set in your contract without discussing it with the client first.

  • Don’t use the app for breaks or non-work-related activities. Your client is only billed for the time you’re actually working.

  • If you don’t want to use the desktop app or can’t for some reason, another option for hourly contracts is to add manual time, but keep in mind it’s not covered under Upwork’s Payment Protection program.

Remember, successful freelancing on Upwork requires clear communication, integrity, and professionalism at all times. Good luck with your hourly contracts!

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