How does hourly pay work on upwork?

Understanding Hourly Pay on Upwork

Upwork provides two primary types of client-freelancer contracts: fixed-rate and hourly. For hourly contracts, Upwork uses a unique system for tracking work and ensuring payment. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

Creating an Hourly Contract

Once you’ve negotiated the rate with your client and both sides have agreed, you will receive an offer for an ‘hourly contract’. Your client will set a maximum number of hours per week that you can work and bill for.

Using Upwork Desktop App

As you work on an hourly contract, you’ll use the Upwork Desktop App to log your hours. This application records your screen activity while you’re working and uploads it as ‘Work Diaries’ to your contract on Upwork. Clients can review these diaries to see what you’ve worked on.

Hourly Protection

The Upwork Hourly Protection system is what secures your payment. If you’ve tracked your hours with the Upwork Desktop App and the client disputes them, Upwork will generally side with you as long as the diaries show work relevant to the project.

Earning and Receiving Pay

At the end of each work week (Monday-Sunday), the hours you’ve tracked are automatically billed to the client. The client’s payment method is charged on the following Monday. Subject to a five-day security period, the resulting funds are then available for you to withdraw.

Main Tips for Hourly Contracts

  • Communication is key: Make sure you and your client are clear about expectations and hourly limits.
  • Utilize Upwork Desktop App: This tool not only helps in monitoring your productivity but it also protects your work.
  • Understand Your Client’s Requirements: Keep your Work Diaries relevant to the project to avoid disputes.
  • Be prompt with your response: If there any issues or queries raised by your client, always address them promptly and professionally.

I hope this answers your question and helps you navigate hourly pay on Upwork better. Happy freelancing!

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