What is manual time on upwork?

Understanding Manual Time on Upwork

Manual time refers to the time added manually (not tracked automatically) by freelancers to their Work Diary in Upwork.

Why Use Manual Time?

  • Technical issues hindering the use of the automatic time tracker.
  • Work done off the computer, like phone meetings, which the Upwork tracker can’t log.

How to Enable Manual Time

You can enable or disable manual time in the Work Diary of the Upwork platform. The client also has the option to remove this privilege, so it’s essential to establish this aspect in the contract.

Key Points to Remember

  • Payment protection: Unlike auto-tracked hours, manually added time isn’t protected by the Upwork Hourly Protection.
  • Detailed notes: When adding manual time, always include detailed memos to explain the task performed during that time.
  • Client Communication: It’s always a good practice to inform and take consent from the client before adding manual time.


The ‘manual time’ feature in Upwork offers flexibility for both clients and freelancers. However, it should be used responsibly with open communication and agreement between both parties.

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