How many freelancers are on upwork?

Freelancer Count on Upwork

Upwork, the largest online freelancing platform, hosts a significant number of freelancers from around the globe. Although the exact number fluctuates as more freelancers are added every day, the latest reports show that there are several million freelancers on the platform.


Despite the massive number, it’s important to remember that not all freelancers are active at the same time. Some might be working on long-term projects, while others may only use the platform sporadically.

Breaking It Down

According to the last data:

  • There are over 12 million registered freelancers.
  • Approximately 3 million jobs are posted annually.
  • About 180 countries have freelancers on Upwork.

I hope that this information is helpful to you. Remember, the large number of freelancers shouldn’t be discouraging, but motivating. It represents the immense amount of opportunities available on the platform. Happy freelancing!

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