How to trach hours in upwork?

Tracking Work Hours on Upwork


Upwork is an excellent platform providing freelancers the ability to secure work and get paid safely. The platform’s features like ‘Upwork’s Desktop App’ helps freelancers to track their work hours. Here, I’ll be providing an overview about how this works.

Setting Up the Upwork Desktop App

The Upwork Desktop App is a compact tool built to track hours automatically with ease. Before your work begins, here’s how to set it up:

  • First, download the application from
  • Install the application on your computer and log in using your Upwork credentials.
  • Once logged in, you will see a list of all your active contracts. Choose the contract corresponding to your current job.
  • Make sure you allow the app the necessary permissions so it can track your work effectively.

Tracking and Submitting Hours

With the setup complete, tracking hours is straightforward:

  • Start the Upwork Desktop App before you begin work.
  • Make sure you select the correct contract for the work you are about to do.
  • Click on the green ‘Start’ button on the app as you start working, and the red ‘Stop’ button when you’re done.
  • The app takes random screenshots to validate that the time was spent productively on the given task.
  • You will see your billable time next to the contract in hours and minutes, which is sent to the client at the end of the week for approval.


The Upwork Desktop App is your main tool for tracking billable hours in Upwork. Always remember: start the app before you start your work and stop it once you’re done. Don’t forget to review and make sure your worked hours are correctly recorded.
I trust this helps you! Please feel free to reach out if you have any further queries. Happy freelancing!

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