How does upwork hourly judge activity?

Understanding Upwork Hourly Activity

The Use of Upwork’s Desktop App

To judge activity during hourly contracts, Upwork makes use of a special Desktop App. This is an important tool for helping to keep track of the number of hours spent on a particular project.
As a freelancer, you need to download the Upwork Desktop App and utilize it while working on an hourly contract. The App captures random screenshots, keyboard activity, and mouse activity while you are actively working on the project.

Activity Metrics

The Desktop App collects a variety of data points:

  • Screenshots: Every 10 minutes, the Upwork Desktop App will take a random screenshot of your workstation. These shots serve as a record of your work and can help resolve any disputes between you and your client regarding hours worked.
  • Keyboard Activity: The app also monitors the number and frequency of your keystrokes. This provides a gauge of how active you are. However, it’s important to note that the content of your keystrokes is never recorded or stored.
  • Mouse Activity: Mouse movements are additionally tracked as a measure of your activity.

Data Usage and Privacy

It’s important to note that privacy is a top priority for Upwork and it doesn’t track anything beyond the parameters of the job. It will not record any other information on your computer outside of the Desktop App’s activity.

Activity Logs

Upwork stores all these activity data in an Activity Log. These records can be accessed and reviewed by both you and your client. This provides transparency and ensures all billed hours are for work completed.

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