Upwork – why do i see diiferent jobs on my phone app than online?

Job Visions on Upwork Mobile App vs. Online

Hello,I see that you’re querying why there might be a difference in the jobs you see on the Upwork mobile app compared to the online website. This could occur for a variety of reasons.

Fresh Updates

Sometimes, you may notice a difference due to the timing of updates. The mobile app and the website might not refresh at the same instant, leading to minor discrepancies.

Page Refresh Guidelines:

  • On your mobile app, pull down the screen from the top to refresh.
  • On your computer, press Ctrl + F5 for Windows or Command + Shift + R for Mac to hard-refresh the page.

Different Filters Applied

Filters can also make a difference in the kind of jobs you see. Ensure you’ve set identical filters for job categories, job types, client history, and etc on both platforms to see the same jobs.

Checking Filters:

  • In the mobile app, check your selected filters by clicking on the “filters” icon in the search bar.
  • On the website, ensure your filter settings match your app under the “Advanced Search” option.

Also, consider logging out and back into both the online platform and the mobile app, as some users have reported this action helps to normalize any discrepancies.
If the issue persists, consider reaching out to Upwork customer support.Happy Upworking!Best,
[Your Name]

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